Posts Tagged ‘Luck’

Is It Just Me

Or do we kind of have mini interpersonal relationships with the people we drive next to on the highway ?

How weird is it to think that we spend so much time on the road with other cars. Other people doing, most likely, the exact same thing we are. Yet we don’t know those people. They have their own lives. Their own families. Their own relationships. Their own personal drama. We don’t know them. Chances are our paths have not crossed. Yet we are both on this highway. We keep in check with each other. We are constantly aware of their presence.

That’s when I begin to wonder what kinds of lives they lead. What kind of jobs do they have. How are their relationships with their kids? What if they’ve found their fairy tale, their dream come true. Maybe they’re as happy as they can possibly be.

I feel as if I get to know these people, and I am sad to see them go. I usually wish them the best of luck.

I know it’s all in my head but it definitely makes me much more aware of the world we live in.