Posts Tagged ‘Date’

I Know I Know I Know

A big part of the reason for me coming to Ohio was to escape the toxicity that was my life in WA. -the only toxic part was the boy part, just for the record-

I was looking forward to spending time with my siblings, getting to know this side of the family, and pretty much just starting over. And I’m still doing that. But.

But there’s a bit of a hiccup, I suppose you could say, in that. I have been preoccupied with thoughts of California. Fresno, to be specific. I had a feeling CA would be good. I’ve always wanted the chance to live with or at least near both my brothers. And it crept in my mind, the idea of living there, in the sun, to be able to see my bro & go to his shows (The White Glove Service). To see Bella & Chunky. To go to the ocean and hey, CA has some good lookin guys :] I like the thought of that. Not that I’d have to look very far. We’ll see how that goes. And I’m positive I will spend at least part of my life in California. I’m a gypsy, after all. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life in just one spot. There’s too many people I care about in different places for that. That sentence made no sense whatsoever. You get my point.

In short – I can’t wait for Jake and Jackleen to get married so I can go back to CA. I doubt finding a date to the wedding will be difficult :]<3


Today was kind of perfect :)

I woke up in a great mood, took my time getting ready. Packed. Went to work, which was over before I knew it. I finally got cashwrap training so now I can rock that too. I’m really enjoying working at GAP. It’s a great company and the people I work with are awesome :D

I opted out of getting Clay’r today simply because she would more or less have to stay at the house in my room the whole time I’m in Kitsap and that’s not fair to her. Instead, I’ll get her Friday or Saturday and have her hopefully till the middle of next week. She’s my baby girl.

The drive was pretty chill, it was really nice out so that made it more tolerable. I had to take my car to Firestone but that’s OK. Bre picked me up and we went out to eat at Olive Garden (tradition) and had the usual (ziti al forno with salad. I get a belini iced tea and she switches it up). Then we went and bought tickets for Bad Teacher and headed to Barnes & Noble (another tradition) to chill until the movie started. I think the only traditions we didn’t fulfill today were Global Bean and Dancing Brush. We will have to rectify that, but we got time. The movie was hilarious, by the way.

Finally got home and saw my baby Goose, threw the ball for a while, then came in and did this. Oh did I mention that I am really really looking forward to Friday? Those plans are in the making as we speak. :)  <- that’s pretty much all I have to say about it.


Pandora has an eerie way of picking up on my mood and playing the appropriate songs. God damn, whoever created Pandora (Let’s Google It) is a genius. Apparently it’s some guy named Tim. They’ve just gone on the New York Stock Exchange  or however that is usually phrased. $16 a share. I’m thinking that would be a good investment. They made $138 million in the 2011 fiscal year with only $1.8 million in losses. That’s kind of amazing.


I bought this book, The Good Girl’s Guide To Bad Girl Sex by Barbara Keesling. It’s very interesting. Very eye-opening. So far it’s all about how women shouldn’t be ashamed of their sexual appetites and desires. This particularly stuck with me:

“Do you apologize for having a physical appetite? For needing to eat? Your physical appetite is a naturally occurring and integral part of who you are as a human being. Not only is it vital to your survival, but hopefully, it is also a source of pleasure and enjoyment for you. … Do you apologize for having a sexual appetite? Do you deny having a sexual appetite? Why? …Why in the world should women be any less “hungry” than men? If you think about it in biological terms, it doesn’t make any sense that we would be less hungry; any more so than we should experience any fewer hunger pains when faced with a shortage of food.” – pg. 10

I so look forward to reading the rest of this book :)